The Blog
Follow for tips, advice & news about all things Eastern Shore real estate!

DIY Home Repairs: Our Favorite Articles, Videos & Resources
Repairs and maintenance are a reality of home ownership. There are some jobs that are definitely best left to the professionals, but there are many repairs you can do yourself. Mastering a few simple DIY home repair techniques will save you a lot of money in the long...

Meet Our Newest Team Member: Heather Kramer!
Powell Realtors is excited to welcome our newest team member, Heather Kramer! Heather is new to real estate, but she is already a huge success!! She closed her first sale shortly after joining Powell Realtors in March of 2018, and she quickly picked up three...

Flipping Homes for Investment
Every house has the potential to become a dream home! Thanks to popular television shows today, more people are realizing that fixer uppers may be more cost effective and less time consuming than building a house from the ground up. Fixer uppers also present an...

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Rental Properties
Deciding whether or not to rent your home can be a difficult choice. We put together the top 5 reasons why you should invest in rental properties.

Our Favorite Annual Events on the Eastern Shore
It's easy to list reasons why people love living on Maryland's Eastern Shore: the water, the people, the rural landscape, the proximity to beaches and cities... We could go on! There's a reason Maryland is referred to as "America in Mini" due to our vast landscapes...

Commercial Listing! 5106 Rhodesdale-Vienna Rd | Rhodesdale, MD
This is a wonderful opportunity to own your own country store! The Reids Grove Country Store has been serving the community for more than 60 years. Recent updates include a Health Department-approved kitchen. Available now for a reduced price of $199,900! There is a...

Do’s & Don’ts of Selling Your Home Over the Holidays
The holidays may be the most wonderful time of the year, but ‘tis not the season for peak real estate sales. It’s such a busy season that it’s no surprise activity drops off over Christmas and New Year’s. However, there are some buyers who take advantage of the...

5 Tips for Selling Your Home in Fall & Winter
It’s no surprise that the housing market spikes during the spring and summer months. Kids are out of school, things slow down at work, and people are anxious to get into a new house before schedules become hectic again. But it is definitely possible to sell your home...

Powell Realtors Search Party
The Fun Way to House Hunt with Family & Friends One of the best features on our new website is the Search Party function. This feature is awesome! It lets you invite friends and family to your online home search. You can share listings with each other, react to...

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home
Your home is probably the largest investment you’ll ever make. The process of buying a home can feel overwhelming at times. With more than 40 years of real estate experience under our belts, we wanted to share five mistakes to avoid when buying a home. The more...